Joe Cocker Woodstock Translation


As much as I’ve always loved Joe Cocker, his unique style (I’d say inimitable but he was extremely vulnerable to impersonation–remember Belushi on SNL?) and simply electrifying rendition of  Ringo Starr’s  “A Little Help From My Friends” at Woodstock, I’ve never seen an actual transcription of what he sang that day until now. Finally, at long last it makes sense to me.

Legend has it that he dropped acid (or someone dropped some in his drink) right before that legendary performance.  If true, d’ya think it kicked in by the time the band rolled out this number?  That would explain a lot.  Stoned or not, he ripped everyone’s faces off.

A friend who happened to attend Woodstock* sent me this and I haven’t stopped laughing since.  (I went to Woodstock, as well but I was a year late).  There’s a perfectly valid explanation.

This is especially great for old-timers like me. Hope you haven’t seen this and if so, that you don’t mind seeing it again.

Thanks, Sam *Who as I’m told by my good friend, Phil,  MISSED Woodstock (and Phil would remember).  So, thanks as well to Phil.

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10 Responses to Joe Cocker Woodstock Translation

  1. Lynn says:

    oh yeah, he was trippin balls no doubt. funny lyrics…i just posted today about the upcoming movie, Taking Woodstock. thought this might interest you. Also posted today on Neil Young with some little known info about him. stop by my pad sometime and check em out!

  2. Paul Sonderman says:

    Looks like a “must see,” at least for me. Thanks for commenting.

  3. Mike says:

    Great lyrics, I’m still laughing!

  4. Paul Sonderman says:

    “I gotta’ hoggify…oh, Liver!”

  5. Phil says:

    I have to say…I don’t care much for bands that cover the Beatles songs. But Joe Cocker would have to be the exception. A truly great artists, and a very funny video.

  6. Keithrey says:

    I have always loved this from the gut rendition by JC and just intuited the words over from the Beetles version… I was born ten years to late, not to mention 1500+ miles away, and thus missed any chance of attending… settling for a midnight movie in 1978… but I don’t feel bad. I understand that a lot of people who did attend this seminal event actually missed Woodstock, too.

  7. melissa says:

    he was freaked out, man. looked like i did when i was seventeen trippin balls every other night. but he did a great performance, nonetheless. i know i can’t even draw a picture when i’m trippin, let alone speak straight so hats off to joe cock-n-balls there.

  8. cs718 says:

    hilarious; not to mention joe is so out and beautiful. these kids today HAVE NOTHING ON US! we did it all and we did it first.

  9. Turtle says:

    Far out.

  10. islam says:

    Looks like a “must see,” at least for me. Thanks for commenting.

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